So i am missing the snow a little bit since Christmas is coming. i hope we get more snow before the winter season is over. i heard a saying a little while ago, " snowflakes are one of God's most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they join together." God made every little thing in incredible detail, and He made us with His perfect plan in mind. He had a plan for Jesus to come and save the world. remember that through Christmas vacation and the next time you see a snowflake fall marvel at it's beauty. and if the snow falls while i am in mexico think of me too, as i soak up the rays of sun and come back with a tan :D
I want it to snow again, but when it does I'll want it to go away.
no snow is good, lots bruises from sledding and bailing, and lots of hot chocolate, or hot tubs in the snow, then it is time for it to go away
you are very pretty and photogenic, jess.
i hope you have fun on vacay. yes, indeed i have a game on wednesday. when do you leave?
why thank you, i leave for san diego on friday at like 8:30 in the morning so that means i have to get up at like 4:30, the cruise leaves the next day and then we get back into san diego on the 31st i think and then we stay in San Diego until the 2nd. i am working the scoreclock on wednesday for your game, so everyone come watch Kara win and me screw up royally!!
San Diegooooo!!!!!! it so baaaadly neeeds a sooooong!!!!!
write one
i concur. write one.
goodbye jess
i'm not gone yet, do you want me to leave, sniffle... jj
Come on, one more post before you leave.
haha i am saving it for thursday night, it will be long i think
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