I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when i'll be back again.... So I am off to Me-he-co, thats how you say it right my spanish buddy steve? So far it has taken around 2 hours to get packed, with procrastination highly involved.Yes I will miss my friends and my rainy Vancouver dearly, except for the fact that I hopefully will be coming back with a good tan, not a sunburn or snow white. I also am determined not to get any of those nasty parasites that Joe and Steve were talking about. That really didn't make me excited about going to the beach. I told Nathanael that I was going to wear socks everywhere. From what I have heard silver in Mexico is a very good deal, so I will bring back braclets for the girls and some gangsta chains for Matt. So I opened my Christmas presents last night and I got a John Mayer cd, I was listening to it and one of the song's lyrics really hit me. "Stop this train, I want to get off, And go home again, I can't take the speed it's moving in, I know I can't, But honestly, won't someone stop this train?" Sometimes our life is moving way to fast, we forget about everything but the thing that we are focused on. I know that at Christmas time it is so easy to forget the real reason we celebrate Christmas. The way that the world celebrates Chrismas with Santa Claus and light displays is so different from what really happened. Try and remember to slow down this Christmas and just listen to what God has to say to you. I said this would be long and I think that I fulfilled that promise. I will see you all in January. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. God bless!
Love, Jess
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!! MISS YOU SO MUCH! hope you are having an awesome time! i expect to see a lovely tan (maybe one day you'll catch up to me heehee) when you get back! you have to tell me all about it! <3 Nikki
my dear.
really cute post. have a great time.
we miss you
hey jess i'm in yearbook now...how are you? do you know where i am? hahaha im so stupid...i am commenting u. isn't this nice? say yes. the funny thing is its going to say u commented urself. LOL hahaha well bye don't worry i wont send you to a mental institute my dear i promise. ttyl! well no im talking to you now in person haha. bye
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