Tomorrow is Singles Awarness Day or at least that is what half of my school is calling Valentines Day. Valentines Day used to be so fun when I was a little kid getting all the heart shaped candy and cute little cards. I still think Valentines is a cute holiday, but why not celebrate love in a different way. God sent His only son down to earth for us, that is the greatest love of all time. Happy Valentines Day! "For God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son, for whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16.
Love, Jess
ps i still really like those little chocolate heart shaped candies =)
Wow. They're changing the name of the day?
Your school is pretty bold.
i like that.
i might post it.
haha, my mom gave my like a whole pile of chocalates today for valentines. i dont really like the day but i enjoy the chocolate haha.
oh i also got some of those too, haha.
it might be time for a new post?
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